My Hope for this site

We want to share things that you might actually find useful. Review and recommend things that we all find helpful.

Create a place for comradery and community as well as a site for buying and using services.


I’m a retired US Marine Corps Aviator and former DoD contractor. Now trying to settle into having time on my hands, something that does not come as easily as expected. Some of the story. A couple times a week I have coffee or drinks with former colleagues, local law enforcement and current or retired military (of course not all at the same time).  We sit around chatting about the current state of the world, share old war stories and rib the younger guys & gals about how easy they’ve got it !  Good times


The Goal

We want to find products and services that you will find interesting and useful. Without spending endless hours of internet searching without the results wanted or poor choices. I know we have all searched for an item and come up with lots of websites that offer nothing to do with what you were searching for or take you somewhere completely unrelated.